Ceramic Treasures

hello, my name is

I’m an artist and facilitator based in Meanjin/Brisbane Australia, currently focusing on illustrative ceramics. My practice includes both functional and sculptural works, utilising bright colours and femme motifs to challenge the boundaries between contemporary art and craft. 

When I’m not working my home studio accompanied by my sausage dog assistant Audrey, I can be found regularly teaching workshops, attending markets, chatting about creative process and collaborating with like- minded makers and organisations.

Keep up to date with upcoming & past projects & be the first to know when new pieces are available by signing up below.

Clay: Collected Ceramics Exhibition Museum of Brisbane 2023

Large Commission, 2024

A Pleasure As Always, 2022

You Shouldn’t Let Poets Lie to You, 2023

I Need Some Space, 2023

Adorable Illusion, 2022



want to work together?